DoodleAround Puppy Application

Full Name:


City, State, Zip:



Where did you hear about Doodle Around?

Do you Rent or Own your home?
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have a dog? Yes No

Does your home have a Fenced or Un-fenced yard?
If un-fenced, please describe how your puppy will receive adequate time to run and play off-leash:
Describe your home and surroundings:

Do you work Inside or Outside the home?
If outside, is it Full-time or Part-time?

Your dog will be alone for hours per day, on average?
Explain how often and in what way your puppy will get a play and potty break, especially if you are gone for more than a 4 hour span.

If you currently work from home, what's the plan for dog care if/when you return to work? Explain.

Where will your puppy sleep at night?

You are interested in a labradoodle because ...

Are you aware of the time and energy needed to care for a young puppy, and are you willing able to accept that responsibility?
Yes No

Are you committed to caring for this dog for his/her lifetime? Yes No

Is every member of your family prepared for and anticipating a new puppy? Yes No

How would you describe your lifestyle? Calm Relaxed Active Sedentary Athletic

Would you like your dog to be: more Calm more Playful more Active more Independent more Dependent

Your dog's most important attribute/personality will be:

When you go out in public, your dog: Stays home Comes with

Have you raised a puppy before? YesNo

What is your experience with dogs? Very experienced Moderately experienced No experience
Have you given a pet to a shelter or had one euthanized? YesNo

Do you have children? YesNo

Does anyone in your family have allergies or asthma? YesNo
If yes, have they been exposed to dogs? YesNo

Do you agree to provide your puppy with all necessary veterinary care to maintain your dog in good health? YesNo
What is the name and phone number of your veterinarian or clinic?
Name: Phone:
Have you used this vet before? YesNo
I view my vet as a partner with whom to discuss care.YesNo
I understand that I am my dog's voice and I will do what is best for him/her.YesNo
I view my vet as the authority and will do whatever he/she suggests.YesNo
At Doodle Around, we believe it is important to vaccinate dogs and puppies, but it is also important not to overvaccinate.
I am open to learning about vaccines.YesNo
I will give every wormer and vaccine my vet suggests at the time he/she suggests it.YesNo
I will give non-core vaccines at least two weeks before/after core vaccines, if the vaccine is for something my dog is at risk for in my area.YesNo
I will follow the manufacturer's recommendations for age of first vaccine, but never within 2 weeks of any core vaccine.YesNo
I will titer test my dogs yearly for parvovirus and distemper to avoid giving unnecessary vaccines.YesNo

We base our allocations first and foremost on personality, as we truly believe that if your dog's temperament is a match, you and your pet will be much happier.  Curl, coloring, and size can change.  We cannot guarantee your pick of gender or color, but we will try to accommodate your preferences if it is also a good personality match.  Since we sell on a strict spay/neuter/sterilize contract, gender is less of a factor.  Allocations will occur only after temperament testing, near 8 weeks of age, as more accurate testing is expected with older puppies.  I understand and agree with your allocation protocol:   YesNo

Preferred puppy gender: MaleFemaleNo preference

Preferred puppy adult size:
Miniature (up to 35 pounds)
Medium (up to 50 pounds)
Standard (over 50 pounds)
No size preference
I understand that my puppy's adult size and weight may be larger or smaller than expected.
Our estimates are based on the puppy's growth rate and its parents' size and weight: YesNo

Preferred puppy coat color:
No preferred color

Preferred puppy coat type:
Wavy fleece
No preferred coat

Do you wish to reserve a puppy from a certain litter? YesNo
Which litter:

Other pets in your household include:

Please describe what you believe your puppy will like most about his/her new home:

Do you understand that if you decide you are no longer interested in a puppy before one is placed with you, that you will forfeit your deposit with us?

It is very easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new puppy, but are you prepared for the honeymoon to end? YesNo

Puppies can have a lot of energy and they sometimes chew, dig, bark and cry at night? They can play too roughly and scratch your skin with sharp teeth and nails; they can get sick on floors. They can scratch at doors and chew on things they shouldn't. Please tell us your patience level and how you might deal with the challenges of puppyhood:

Will you commit to basic obedience training with your puppy? YesNo

When it comes to puppy training, do you:
scold, shout, and swat
give lots of treats and attention
need your own training

Our contract requires training, whether structured classes or your own training with an occasional video of you dog obeying commands. What type of training will you and your puppy participate in:
Stuctured classes
Private lessons with a trainer

Do you plan to enlist your puppy to be a ...
guide dog
therapy dog
service dog
hunting dog
ranch-style working dog
no enlistments at this time
Please list anything you would like us to consider in helping you find the right puppy for your needs:

I have answered the above questions truthfully and understand that if any false statements have been given, Doodle Around reserves the right to refuse to sell to you. I have read the information on the website regarding temperament assessments and matching puppies. By signing this application, I acknowledge that the deposit will only be refunded if Doodle Around is unable to provide a puppy who is a good match for my family within 12 months of the date the deposit was paid.
Signature: Date:

By selecting "I agree" you are signing this application electronically. You agree your signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this agreement.
I Agree
I don't Agree

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